The webcam is located in Aska Borica street, near Heath Care Center Zenica, with a view on street and parking in front of west side of Bilino Polje Stadium. Part of the stadium is also visible.
Slowenien / Obalno-Kraška / Štanjel / Štanjel – Entdecken Sie das Herz der Karstregion
Slowenien / Goriška / Nova Gorica / Webcam Nova Gorica Sportpark – Slowenien
Finnland / Lappland / Rovaniemi / Webcam Weihnachtsmanndorf – Lappland – Finnland
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Agram / Panoramablick von Zagreb
Kroatien / Zadar / Zadar / Zadar Port Gazenica Webcam Panorama, Zadar, Kroatien