Krvavec is close to Kranj and not far either from Ljubljana, so a full day’s skiing on its slopes is easily managed, especially now that the new gondola takes skiers to the slopes in less than seven minutes.The Krvavec Ski Center, situated on a peak at the edge of the Kalška mountain range, spreads across smooth alpine meadows and does not require a deep blanket of snow to create ideal skiing conditions.
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Sorica / Webcam Sorica
Italien / Piemont / Roburent / Live Webcam San Giacomo di Roburent – Skigebiet Bric Colmé – Piemont – Italien
Slowenien / Gorenjska / Kranjska Gora / Kranjska Gora webcam VITRANC 1 | obere Station
Slowenien / Savinjska / Zreče / Rogla – Jurgovo
Italien / Trentino-Südtirol / Abtei / Hütte Ütia de Bioch Webcam | Alta Badia Dolomiten
Slowenien / Podravje / Marburg an der Drau / Maribor Pohorje – Untere Standseilbahn
Italien / Trentino-Südtirol / Abtei / Hütte Lee – Heilig Kreuz webcam Dolomiten