Fuengirola, Paseo Maritimo

Hosted By & Offer

Only 25km from Malaga International Airport is the town of Fuengirola one of the most popular destinations on the Costa del Sol. Easily accessible by road, rail or bus, it is not difficult to see why this buzzing cosmopolitan town on the Mediterranean is the number one choice for so many different kinds of people. One of the Fuengirolas main attractions is, of course, its wonderful seven kilometres (five miles) of sandy beaches, stretching from the Sohail Castle to the west and Torreblanca to the east where you can find the beautiful avenue Paseo Maritimo.


Camera en Vivo Puerto de la Duquesa – Marina

Espana / Andalusia / Manilva / Camera en Vivo Puerto de la Duquesa – Marina

Ubrique (Cádiz)

Espana / Andalusia / Ubrique / Ubrique (Cádiz)


Playa Nin

Croacia / Zadar / Nin / Playa Nin

Webcam Metajna – Riva

Croacia / Lika-Senj / Metajna / Webcam Metajna – Riva

Fuerteventura – Charco de Bristol

Espana / Canarias / Fuerteventura / Fuerteventura – Charco de Bristol

Mykonos – Little Venice e molinos de viento

Grecia / Egeo Meridional / Myconos / Mykonos – Little Venice e molinos de viento

Bayahibe –  beach at WeAre Cadaques Resort

República Dominicana / La Altagracia / Bayahibe / Bayahibe – beach at WeAre Cadaques Resort

Silba camera en vivo

Croacia / Zadar / Silba / Silba camera en vivo

Golf Club

Campo de golf Adriatic – Savudrija

Croacia / Istria / Savudrija / Campo de golf Adriatic – Savudrija

CUBO Golf Ljubljana – Smlednik

Eslovenia / Osrednjeslovenska / Liubliana / CUBO Golf Ljubljana – Smlednik

Camera en Vivo Golf Grad Otočec – Terme Krka – Eslovenia

Eslovenia / Eslovenia Sudoriental / Novo Mesto / Camera en Vivo Golf Grad Otočec – Terme Krka – Eslovenia