Krško lies at the point where the valley of the river Sava widens into the broad Krško Plain, with the river Krka winding lazily across its southern edge. The people of these parts are proud of their past, which is revealed at every step through the area’s rich cultural and historical heritage. That the area was inhabited far back in the ancient past is shown by the oldest archaeological finds, dating back all the way to the late Stone Age. Ajdovska Jama, a cave near Nemška Vas (“German Village”), is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Slovenia and offers evidence of the life and culture of Neolithic Man.
Albanie / Gjirokastër / Gjirokastër / Gjirokastra – Vue de la vieille ville
Croatie / Comitat de Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zagreb – Jarun – Wakeboard & Wakeskate
Croatie / Sisak-Moslavina / Jasenovac / Village européen de cigognes webcam Parc naturel de Lonjsko polje
Italie / Lombardie / Livigno / Superbe web camera Livigno, vue panoramique depuis l’hôtel Teola
Slovénie / Osrednjeslovenska / Polhov Gradec / Webcam en direct Polhov Gradec – Slovénie
Slovénie / Goriška / Bovec / Caméra en direct Čezsoča – Vue imprenable sur la rivière Soča
Slovénie / Spodnjeposavje / Brežice / Webcam en direct Lac Brežice sur la rivière Sava – Slovénie
Italie / Sardaigne / Loiri porto San Paolo / Live Webcam Loiri porto San Paolo – Porto Taverna Livecam Sardaigne – Italie
Croatie / Lika-Senj / Senj / Webcam autoroute Adriatique D8 près de SENJ – vue sur l’île de KRK