Los Cristianos is situated west of the southern airport (Reina Sofa) and is one of the most popular and busy resorts on the Canary Islands. The beaches are beautiful and it has a harbour that offers fishing trips, pleasure cruises, outings on glass bottom boats, diving excursions and ferries to the neighbouring island of La Gomera. Los Cristianos is one of the most popular and busy resorts on the Canary Islands. The beaches are beautiful and it has a harbour that offers fishing trips, pleasure cruises, outings on glass bottom boats, diving excursions and ferries to the neighbouring island of La Gomera.
Italia / Sardegna / San Giovanni Suergiu / Live Webcam Punta Trettu – San Giovanni Suergiu – Sardegna
Repubblica Dominicana / Monte Cristi / San Fernando de Monte Cristi / Live webcam Kite Buen Hombre scuola Kiteboarding – Spiaggia Buen Hombre – Monte Cristi – Repubblica Dominicana
Italia / Sardegna / Golfo Aranci / Live webcam spiaggia Cala Sassari beach – Golfo Aranci – Sardegna
Croazia / Istria / Valle / Campeggio Mon Perin – Valle
Curaçao / Willemstad / Bapor Kibrá / Webcam spiaggia Mambo Beach | LionsDive Beach Resort | Curaçao
Italia / Sardegna / Oristano / Putzu Idu Webcam Cala Saline | Sardegna
Italia / Sardegna / Loiri porto San Paolo / Webcam Porto Taverna – Loiri livecam porto San Paolo – Sardegna – Italia
Italia / Sardegna / Capoterra / Live webcam Capoterra – Spiaggia della Maddalena – Sardegna – Italia
Italia / Sardegna / Bosa / Webcam Live Bosa Marina – Sardegna